
Cover image for post titled A max flow approach to course planning.

A max flow approach to course planning

It's a headache to plan out your degree. Here's a graph approach to efficiently solve course allocation via the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.

Bringing two centuries of history into the digital age

Founded in 1799, The Dartmouth, Inc. launches its mobile app in 2021.

Cover image for post titled Bringing two centuries of history into the digital age.

Designing for the outdoors

We built a platform to empower the nation's largest and oldest collegiate outing club.

Cover image for post titled Designing for the outdoors.
Cover image for post titled marsOS wallpapers.

marsOS wallpapers

Apple told me to never leak these new OS wallpapers.

Recursion with TypeScript

A neat puzzle solved with TypeScript's powerful recursive typing.

Cover image for post titled Recursion with TypeScript.
Cover image for post titled Designing simple RL-trained pong agents to play against each other.

Designing simple RL-trained pong agents to play against each other

Ever wanted to become a master at pong? Just train against yourself for thousands of epochs. How fun.

Twitter stream algorithms

Someone told you to count the most frequent words on Twitter in any given day! Here's a few algorithms to help you.

Cover image for post titled Twitter stream algorithms.

Wiring up a Y86 CPU in a logic board simulator

Print "Hello world" they said. But build the computer from scratch, they said not.

Cover image for post titled Wiring up a Y86 CPU in a logic board simulator.
Cover image for post titled Design your academic journey through college.

Design your academic journey through college

When we came to Dartmouth, we saw academic planning needed to meet human-centered design. We built D-Planner to help every student discover courses they like, keep track of requirements, and plan their academics thoughtfully.

A branding experiment for an angel fund

A passionate company, driven identity, and a know-nothing college first-time freelancer. What could go wrong?

Cover image for post titled A branding experiment for an angel fund.

PassOn: share your passions, together

A fun design project for CS25 UI/UX Design.

Cover image for post titled PassOn: share your passions, together.